A message from Matthew September 24

On my desk recently was this little cameo of a couple celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary.   As they held hands across the table a little ‘Tinkerbell’ like creature
appeared and said…”I have been sent to give you the desire of your heart’.. 
Immediately the wife said….’My desire is to travel the world’…. and ‘zap’ there were 2 around the world cruise tickets in her hand. The husband thinking this may be his one and only opportunity to get the desire of his heart, thought long and hard, and then turning to his wife, he said ‘You may not like what I have to say, but my desire is to be married to someone 30 years younger than me’….and ‘zap’, he was a 92 year old man.

We may laugh, and make jokes about married love, but being happily married is the desire of the heart for most of us. Remembering this message comes from the
Christian Ministers Association, and focuses on a culture  founded on the love of God, may I encourage us to be thoughtful, prayerful about this  ‘SEASON OF THE
PLEBISCITE’, What is it we are really asked to vote upon?

The Word of God in Ephesians 5 speaks about the Christian life, and Christian
marriage.   St Paul personally addresses husbands and wives about a love that is
eternal, personal and abundant. A love that the Greeks call AGAPE LOVE, God’s
divine, healing, forgiving love that permeates all our love relationships, it flows through to our EROS LOVE, married love, and to our PHILIA LOVE, brotherly, family community love….

It is a love that is gift love through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. This AGAPE love, can be new every morning, just for the asking, because of the gift of God’s Holy Spirit to all people.   When I think about my family, my children and grandchildren, and future children yet to come, my thoughts, my desire is that they may be happy, fulfilled, loved and loving.   That they may know the power, the presence and the peace of AGAPE LOVE, not only know it but share it in every relationship that they
encounter……and that they may be aware of God’s love in every possible adventure and commitment they experience…..

I feel that we are about to make history because of this plebiscite, and I am reminded that the Nobel Peace Prize winner of l964 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. famously said… “We are not makers of history. We are made by history.” King challenged many laws dealing with equality.   His life and love for God changed the nation of the USA, and shaped the progressive world we live in today.

May I leave you with this very memorable quote of MARTIN LUTHER KING JR….

‘I HAVE HAD MANY THINGS IN MY HAND AND I HAVE LOST THEM ALL, BUT WHATEVER I PLACED IN GOD’S HANDS THAT I STILL POSSESS’.   May we be wise and place  this important Plebiscite season in the hands of our God, may our decision making and voting choices bring honour and glory to our Creator and Redeemer.

(Reprinted from the “Norfolk Islander” local newspaper with permission)


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