for the week of 25 August 2019

Psalm Writing Workshop Notes
Notes from the recent Psalm Writing Workshop are now available here.  Have you thought about writing your own psalm? Many Psalms follow a pattern which can be replicated. We believe there is some amazing talent in BCUC and would love to give the opportunity for the congregation to contribute their own Psalms to a booklet we will publish as a Christmas gift to all. We would love to see your contributions.   Use these notes to get ideas and learn techniques for writing your psalm.

Do You Like Chocolate?
At the next Day Fellowship meeting you can learn the history of Bracegirdles chocolates.  Monday 2nd September at 1:30pm at BCUC.  Gary Bracegirdle will give his insight into his company and chocolate.  All are welcome including members of the congregation. Come and join us for a light and bright afternoon.  Afternoon tea is provided.

Family Fun @5
Family Fun @ 5 will be on Saturday 14th September from 5.00 to 7.00pm Families are very welcome. Please invite neighbors and friends as it is an opportunity to reach out into the community. Flyers in the foyer spinner are available to give out. Helpers for preparing food, helping with craft and games, set up and clear up. For one of the activities those who have skills or pleasure in building Lego will be needed.  Sign up sheets for helpers will be out in the Foyer from 25th August. Contact Heather Walraven or Chris Lake.

Operation Christmas Child
Today we are launching this year’s shoebox project – an exciting time of the year! Shoeboxes of small gifts are packed here at BCUC and sent to children in developing countries. Brochures are available in the foyer along with empty decorated boxes if you wish to pack your own box. Alternatively there is an opportunity to make a monetary donation. If you like to shop, we need tennis balls, skipping ropes and yoyos to name a few items. Packing day is on Monday Sept 30th at 9.30am in the Hall.  Enquiries to Di Croft.

Presbytery Meetings
Generate Presbytery Meeting
September 14, 9:30-3:30pm
Journey Uniting Church

Transitional Presbytery Meeting
September 21, 9:30-12:30pm
Burnside City Uniting Church

Both meetings are open to members of our congregation.  This November, BCUC will make a decision whether we want to join the Generate Presbytery or an alternative presbytery to be formed from the current Transitional Presbytery in the coming months. To assist in our discernment, we encourage you to considering attending these meetings if possible.

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