for the week of July 28

Survey Update
The BCUC Congregation Survey is in progress and so far over 100 people have submitted their surveys.  That still leaves a great many of you whose voices have not been heard.  Please complete the survey using the emailed link or the paper copies in the foyer.

Men’s Fellowship lunch, Marryatville Hotel, 12noon, July 30. Anyone interested in a friendly, caring chat and an opportunity to share stories over a meal is welcome to attend and bring a friend if you wish. rsvp to Rex or Leigh.

Regenerating Places of Faith
At BCUC, Friday August 16. A conference exploring how to strengthen congregations, develop partnerships with community groups, to restore and adapt our church buildings as innovative places that help our communities to flourish.  See flyer in foyer carousel for details.

Alpha at BCUC
You’ve heard and seen something of the Alpha program coming to BCUC. It’s relevant and vital. A great opportunity to begin and continue a vibrant life journey in God’s kingdom! Or perhaps a time to rekindle a connection with Jesus! Invite a friend, neighbour or family member to come with you to Alpha; starting on Wednesday July 31 at noon. Sign up today, after church in the foyer!

Family Fun @5
The next Family Fun@5 is on Saturday September 14 Book the date!

Monday Day Fellowship
Our next meeting is on Monday August 5 at 1:30pm. Our Fellowship is hosting a Community Concern Event supporting the Sammy Di Foundation which is educating both parents and children on the impact of violence and how it may be prevented. A donation of $5 is asked in support of this appeal. All members are encouraged to attend and the congregation is most welcome. Afternoon tea will be supplied and has been organised by the committee.

Combined Churches Prayer Breakfast
At BCUC, Saturday August 3 from 7.30am to 9am.  You are warmly invited to attend. A light breakfast will be provided. The Prayer Breakfasts include great times of fellowship, worship and intercession. Praying for our PCWs, our school communities, our churches, our district and the nation.

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