Beyond Us

BCUC has a big heart for those in physical and spiritual need here in our community, regionally, and worldwide.

Mission Focus Group

The Mission Focus Group has the exciting task of giving away money! True to our brief  we are currently giving money to needs in our state, our nation and internationally.


We have supported Eastern Communities at Clayton Church, the work of Chaplains through Frontier Services, ongoing research and education for Leprosy Mission, keeping planes and pilots in the air with Mission Aviation Fellowship, aid to Tonga, Vanuatu, Turkiye and Syria. As well, money goes to projects through the Lenten Appeal.


We also support the Women in Ministry in the Pacific Project so that women can be supported in training for ministry with the aim of educating congregations about domestic violence. It is an exciting project which we can follow through zoom meetings and we can encourage the students and pray for them.

BCUC Cares

In the past year, through the generous support of the people of Burnside City UC, we have been able to share God’s love by:

  • Helping the Pt Augusta Aboriginal Christian Congress Church stock its new Op Shop, and sharing in worship with the Salisbury Congress Church;
  • Supplying grocery and other items for people in need through Uniting Communities (Eastern Services);
  • Hosting morning teas for Ukrainian refugees, and supporting other refugees and asylum seekers through the Circle of Friends’ network, including helping a young refugee from a war-ravaged country join family in Adelaide.

Barnabas Pantry

The sales from our Pantry, support persecuted Christians in Myanmar.


The Pantry is open every Sunday for you to choose and buy from a wide selection of homemade jams, marmalades and relishes, all made by members of BCUC.  We also have beautiful greeting cards of paintings by our own Margaret Lang.


We receive twice yearly reports about the specific work of Barnabas in Myanmar. Sadly the plight of the people continues as they flee their homes and live in the jungle or camps for displaced persons. Their needs are great and we are able to provide some help through sales and monetary donations to our Pantry.

Operation Christmas Child

in 2023, Operation Christmas Child has been embraced by our congregation as a missional project.  Shoeboxes have been packed for distributed in developing countries. In Kids Church 30 boxes were packed by the children and several came again for the Packing Morning the following day.  It was a time of great joy as items were thoughtfully placed in the shoeboxes.


The Men’s Shed in Glenside made 60 blackboards. ‘Barry’ generously made a variety of wooden cars, trains, trucks and planes and 80 spinning tops and 70 skipping ropes in his shed at home. ‘Meredith’ and her friend knitted beanies, soft toys and sewed 30 skirts! ‘Sue’ donated 140 cakes of soap! These generous contributions come from the community. Our own Sew and Chat group knitted 150 face cloths. Recipients receive a book in their own language telling them about Jesus and His love for them.