A Message from Rev Benji Callen – June 2 2019

Today is the last week of the ‘Surprise the World’ series. We look at defining our identity as the SENT ones of God. We are a people on mission. Mission doesn’t need to refer to only people who are sent from a church overseas to evangelise the far-flung nations of the Earth. This work is inspiring and continuing, however we are also missionaries in our everyday lives. We need to live the way Paul describes to the Corinthian church “So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, ‘Come back to God!’” 2 Corinthians 5:20 (NLT).

Rev. Dr. Phil Carr, would often say in church council meetings that it was a requirement in Methodist Leaders meetings to have as a constant agenda item: “What more can we do to promote the gospel?”. This is good question for ourselves also.

The practical homework suggested by Mike Frost this week is to ‘journal the times we have proclaimed the reign of God in the world’. That is, to reflect back on the week and recognise times we have demonstrated the peace of God, the justice, the healing, the joy, the hope or the beauty of God in our everyday lives to others.

This journaling is different to bible journaling or prayer journaling, rather it is writing down those moments where the kingdom of God was glimpsed through us.

One helpful tool maybe to use the Daily Prayer of Examen (google it for more information). It is a basic 5 step process developed by St Ignatius to review the day. One helpful summary I found uses a 5-Rs mnemonic which I have combined with 2 of the 5 habits (listen and send)

  • Request the Spirit to lead me through my review of the day. (Silence and listening, “Speak Lord your servant is listening”).
  • Relish the moments that went well and all of the gifts I have today. (List moments when you were involved in ‘declaring the reign of God’)
  • Review the day. Examining the conversations you had, the people you met, the feelings you experienced.
  • Repent of any mistakes or failures.
  • Resolve, in concrete ways, to live tomorrow well.

The Jesuits practice a similar prayer twice daily. I’m suggesting to try this once a week.

I look forward to celebrating Pentecost next week at BCUC.

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